Investment Policy Committee

Since 2016, Bright Futures Wealth Management, LLC has helped investors by using a diverse series of managed portfolios created and managed by the Investment Policy Committee (IPC) of BFWM. The IPC voting members together have a total experience of 110 years in the financial services industry. BFWM maintains the consistency of portfolio strategies by managing with a disciplined investment process.

BFWM believes investment portfolio management is the art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy. Investments are matched to portfolio objectives and asset allocation. BFWM's strategies of portfolio management determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities available due to market activity. These strategies also determine the balance between risk and reward in each portfolio model. This applies to the choice of debt vs. equity, domestic vs. international and growth vs. value, etc. All investment strategy decisions and selection of investments are set by the voting members of the Investment Policy Committee.

Some of the duties of the IPC include:

  • Creating strategies for the BFWM model portfolios
  • Performing due diligence on model portfolios and individual holdings
  • Reviewing performances and rebalancing when appropriate
  • Developing capital market projections
  • Leveraging assets under management to reduce fund expense cost

For more information please refer to the Investment Policy Statement of BFWM